Un p’tite vidéo qui m’a plu : Tandy 1000HX: Upgrades and Games! #DOScember

I’m kicking off #DOScember with some useful upgrades to my Tandy 1000HX and *actually* getting some time to enjoy some games!

RGBtoHDMI Github: https://ift.tt/3m9P1lv
RGBtoHDMI from Derek: https://ift.tt/3qKkH4E

Blanking plate: https://ift.tt/3gB3LIY

Tandy 3in1 Upgrade: https://ift.tt/2IAVQ21

Please note: Robert is no longer producing these himself. If you’d like to organise your own, everything you should need is on the Github. If you’re a maker of such things and wish to put them into production for people, please get in contact with Robert. Tandy.3in1@gmail.com

The rest of the DOScember crew can be found here:
Adrian’s Digital Basement: https://www.youtube.com/AdriansDigitalBasement
ctrl-alt-rees: https://www.youtube.com/CtrlAltRees
DaveJustDave: https://www.youtube.com/MrDaveJustDave
Jan Beta: https://www.youtube.com/JanBeta
Josh Malone: https://www.youtube.com/JoshMalone_48kRAM
LGR: https://www.youtube.com/LazyGameReviews
MindFlareRetro: https://www.youtube.com/MindFlareRetro
Mr Lurch’s Things: https://www.youtube.com/MrLurchsThings
Noel’s Retro Lab: https://www.youtube.com/NoelsRetroLab
RetroSpector78: https://www.youtube.com/RetroSpector78
RMC: https://www.youtube.com/RMCRetro
RoseTintedSpectrum: https://www.youtube.com/RoseTintedSpectrum
Tech Tangents: https://www.youtube.com/AkBKukU
The 8-Bit Guy: https://www.youtube.com/adric22
TheRetroChannel: https://www.youtube.com/TheRetroChannel

Patreon: https://ift.tt/3m39qsr

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mr_Lurch
Facebook: https://ift.tt/3gKQiid
Instagram: https://ift.tt/3gwXWwi

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